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Literature Text

                  Abashed Enchanters, Part 4 - The Second Teen Titans


                            Creighton Stalnaker (RavenStar)

                                        ACT ONE

               FADE IN:

               EXT. JUMP CITY - NIGHT

               Lightning FLASHES. Thunder ROARS. Rain falls in BUCKETS.

               EXT. JUMP CITY JAIL - SAME

               Two cars park in separate spots of the jail's parking lot.

               Out of the first car steps NIGHT GUARD 1, in full police
               uniform. Out of the second car steps NIGHT GUARD 2, also in
               full police uniform. Their guns are holstered, at the ready.

               They go inside the jail. A timeclock sound is heard twice.

               The night guards come out, and DAY GUARD 1 and DAY GUARD 2
               take the cue that this their shift's end, take their leave,
               and go inside to get everything done before they leave.

                                      NIGHT GUARD 1
                         Have a good night, sirs.

               INT. JUMP CITY JAIL

               Day Guard 1 and Day Guard 2 punch out their timeclock cards.

                                      NIGHT GUARD 1 (O.S.)
                         What's that?!?

               EXT. JUMP CITY JAIL

               Lightning FLASHES. The day guards RUSH outside. The night
               guards have their guns raised at the SWIRL of dark energy
               forming in the middle of the road. The night guards AIM--

                                      DAY GUARD 1
                         Hold your fire! HOLD YOUR FIRE!

               The swirl DUMPS out an unconscious GIZMO and MAMMOTH. There
               is a note taped to Mammoth's back. It reads:

               "-Courtesy of the Titans." Thunder CRASHES.

               TITLE SEQUENCE.


               STARFIRE, ROBIN, and BEAST BOY watch as PLASMUS - asleep and
               in human form; CINDERBLOCK; and the GORDANIAN BOUNTY HUNTERS
               are loaded onto the police vans surrounding the CRATERED
               intersection, and taken away to the Jump City Jail as well.

               The villains are carted out.

               The three Titans look at each other.

               Robin nods.

               They leave the area.


               Starfire, carrying Robin, floats down onto the Tower roof
               from the sky.

               Beast Boy, as an eagle, flies in and turns to his human form
               as he descends to the ground of the roof.


               Lightning and thunder CRASH as they come down the stairs.

                                      BEAST BOY
                         Am I the only one who thinks that was
                         completely pointless?

                                      STARFIRE & ROBIN

                         But at least Cinderblock, Plasmus, and
                         Overload are back in jail-

                         -not to mention those Gordanian Bounty

                                      BEAST BOY
                         Okay, Slade has GOT to get him some new
                         cronies - seriously. We've fought those
                         three like, what, five times this year?

                         It is true that we have had many
                         battles with them - but they are still
                         criminals, and thus we must still
                         continue to confront them whenever they
                         pose a threat - to the city...or to us.

               Beast Boy sighs, picks up the remote, and flicks on the TV.

               None of the Titans even so much as flinch or look around as
               a WAVE of dark energy ROLLS through the living room.

               INT. RAVEN'S ROOM

               The room is BLANKETED in dark energy, which recedes into
               itself, DEPOSITING 3 people into the middle of the room:

               JINX, RAVEN, and CYBORG.

               Jinx is holding Raven's mirror.

               Once the dark energy has completely gone, Raven DROPS to her
               knees, clutching her forehead. Jinx is bringing her back to
               her feet before she even hits the ground.

                         You sure you're gonna be ok when we go
                         in there?

                          (shaking her head)
                         It's my mind. Once we're inside, I'll
                         be fine. Just give me a moment, and
                         I'll be ready.


               Cyborg leans in to Jinx as Raven walks away.

                          (whispering, to Jinx)
                         Remember: We're going into her head.
                         We're going to meet all sides of her
                         personality. There's gonna be some
                         stuff Raven finds embarrassing or would
                         rather not talk about. So we gotta
                         respect the woman's mind.

               Raven, still w/her back turned, grins slyly under her hood.

                         Says the man.

                          (gets it)

               Jinx giggles as she walks over to Raven.

                          (puts hand on Raven's shoulder)
                         I take it you're ready to go?


                         So, what exactly do we have to do this
                         time? To get in the mirror, I mean?

                         We hold hands, and let me do all of it.

               Raven immediately grabs Jinx's hand - before Jinx expects
               her to. Jinx works fairly hard to hide her blushing face.

                         Ohh-kay, I can deal with that.

               He grabs Jinx's hand.

                          (yanks her hand back)

                          (pulls hand back)
                         Whoops. Sorry, it's kinda hard to get a
                         light grip with these hands.

               Jinx recovers, and takes Cyborg's hand again.

               Raven leads them over to the mirror.

               She grips Jinx's hand, tightly.

                         Hold on. It might be a little bumpy.

               Her eyes turn white.

               She looks at the mirror.

               Dark energy starts SWIRLING out of the glass of the mirror -
               followed by dark energy from the frame of the mirror.

               Jinx closes her eyes.

               The dark energy COVERS them in a small TORNADO, which SPINS
               around at a DIZZYING speed--

               --until it's sucked completely into the mirror.


               BRANNNKK!!! BRANNNKK!!!

               The ALARMS go off.

               Beast Boy nearly jumps out of his chair because of them.

               Robin RUSHES to the monitor.

                                      BEAST BOY
                          (following Robin)
                         Who is it this time?

                         It's no one.

               He points at the monitor.

               Water is drawing up over the rocks at the bottom of the base
               of the Tower. Lightning FLASHES.

                                      ROBIN (CONT'D)
                         The water level's starting to rise
                         because of all the rain from the
                         thunderstorm! If we can't stop it,
                         it'll not flood our Tower - but the
                         entire city as well!

               Starfire gasps. Thunder CRASHES.

               INT. RAVEN'S MIND - LIMBO

               TIMID RAVEN and SLADE are coming out of the maze to the
               Forbidden Door. Timid Raven is rambling.

                                      TIMID RAVEN
                          (to Slade)

                         Oh, will you SHUT UP?!?

               He raises his hand to hit her, but doesn't.

               Timid Raven looks at Slade blankly for second, then:

                                      TIMID RAVEN
                         -and he-

                         Cyborg doesn't like you, either.

               Timid Raven looks at him.

                                      SLADE (CONT'D)
                         Don't look at me.

                                      BRAVE RAVEN (O.S.)
                         Yo! Bad Dude! Look at my FOOT!

               From out of left field, BRAVE RAVEN SOARS in, sending a
               FIERCE frontal kick to Slade's face. Slade falls back.

               Timid Raven walks away.

                                      BRAVE RAVEN (CONT'D)
                          (landing on ground, to Slade)
                         C'MON!!! You want some more?!?

                          (getting up)

               He sends a spin kick - and does a 360, loses his balance,
               and falls down to the ground.

               Brave Raven stands over him, gloating.

                                      BRAVE RAVEN
                         Aw, c'mon! What was that? You're weak!

               Slade goes to trip her while he's down, but she dodges.

               He gets up and moves BLISTERINGLY fast with a punch--

               --and he clips her.

               But it's not enough. She keeps moving.

               Slade gets to his feet and waits as Brave Raven comes in for
               the attack once again.

               This time, he LUNGES for her--

               --but she STOPS HIM.

               He can't seem to move.

               Then after a moment:

               PA-KOW!!!! She sends a VICIOUS roundhouse kick to his chest.

               Slade goes SOARING backwards through the air--

               --landing HARD on the ground, with a thick GRUNT of pain.

               However, when he gets up to retaliate, she's not there.

               Slade dusts himself off and looks around.

                         Hmph. And I was holding back.

               Something happens which he catches out of the corner of his

                                      SLADE (CONT'D)

               The portal opens--

               --Raven lets go of her grip on Jinx's hand, and Jinx and
               Cyborg land on the ground--

               --and then Raven comes SLAMMING ONTO THE GROUND in a one
               knee,-one-fist-on-the ground stance, like a football player.

               ALL of Limbo SHAKES upon her IMPACT with the ground. Slade
               is sent back a few more feet from the HUGE shockwave.  

                          (looking around)

                         Yeah, it's kinda cool - except for

               He points at Slade.

                         Ah... The love triangle. How are things
                         going there, my sweet & dear Jinx?

               Raven looks up, slowly, but directly into Slade's eyes. Her
               eyes NARROW upon direct contact.

                          (stinging, harsh)

                          (lowers head, glares)

                                                         FADE OUT.

                                      END ACT ONE
This is Act One of Part 4 of my 2nd Teen Titans Fanscript, "Abashed Enchanters." This fanscript will be a four-parter, though at the moment, Parts 1, 2, and 3 are done. I'm working on Part 4. While "Behind The Scenes" was my BB&Raer script, the main focus of this fanscript is Jinx, the girl from the HIVE. Read the plot for more.

The plot: Jinx defects to the Titans, quickly quelling thoughts that she's trying to subvert them, and soon becomes a powerul new addition and friend to the group. But when an unexpected attraction starts forming between her and Raven, both girls find themselves confused over their feelings and emotions - and Cyborg finds himself needing a more efficient circuit breaker for his jealousy fuse.
© 2005 - 2024 RavenStarfire
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QueenLeaShanneen's avatar
Very excellent!!!! I love it! I cannot wait for act two!!!!! :headbang: Rock on!!! ^___^